Wine, Dine, and Cum on tits. That’s how you get to my heart

Cum on Tits

So, I have to admit that I’m boujie as fuck when it comes to dating. I’m a wine and dine ho. I love to eat, drink, and get cum on tits. In that order too.

Had one date that had it down right. Took me to this really nice place to get me all loose and such with the best of food. Also a lot of alcohol. Cause we knew that my anal cavity was getting it’s own meal.

Cream pie anyone?

He also had enough cum to impregnate the entire Dallas Cowboy’s Cheerleader squad. So was plenty for me to eat up and take my fill of. Just a one person bukkake on my face and chest.

And he kept the wine flowing to keep the pussy going too.


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