Gigantic tits bounce up and down, and spin around.

Gigantic tits bounce up and down, and spin around. Rock around the clock. These ginormous titties really do like to bounce and rock. Come and give them a whirl. Around and around, they go where they stop no one will know. Namely, they can smack you in the face, smother you as they are so very big.

In fact, they will even jump up and hit me in the face. Give me a black eye. Motor boat them. Overall, the sky is the limit not even then on what can be done with the titties. Like perhaps a good fucking of them.

That is to say – Titty fucking phone sex will have my pussy gripping as you cum all over them. Feel your cock beating between the titties. In the mood to cum. These tits have the sheer size to hold all the cum.

Watch them bounce up and down, and spin around. Rocking around the clock. Tweet, tweet the birdie chirps and the cum appears. Squirting out of the hole. Fuck the pussy and me on my back, watch the tits circle around as the bounce. Slapping together.

Finally pulling on the titties so very hard. Cum on them, between them, where you please.

Gigantic tits

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