The DeMartino brothers invited some friends and me over for game day on Saturday, and this time it was a Super Smash Bros. tournament. Rules this time were going to be that instead of one victor, there would be one loser, and the loser would pay for the pizza. The Italian brothers started by playing Mario and Luigi, of course, which they seem to think is hilarious, but we all find really dumb by now. Jim played Kirby, Eric played Falcon, and I played Peach. When I first learned this game, I was just mashing buttons, as I’ve never been much of a console gamer (I’m a PC gamer, thank you very much, and I love my RPGs, ARPGs, MMORPGs… maybe there’s a trend?). By now, though, I’d gotten the hang of the controls enough to play SSB.
We had fun, but the worst part of the Super Smash Brothers’ Tournament was losing. Horribly. Being the only girl playing (there was a really hot chick there, but she wasn’t playing) there made it even worse. The guys, they all have consoles, and they play them, so I claimed it wasn’t fair, but they wouldn’t hear of it. Well, I bitched and moaned so much that the guys said I didn’t have to pay for the pizza… if I put my time doing sexy phone chat to good use.
Soon, I had cocks everywhere. I was laying down, Luigi under me, my tits wrapped around his cock. Mario was behind me, fucking me in the ass. Kirby said that even though he was the one who mostly sucked, I needed more practice at it, so I’d better get used to sucking his tiny dick. Falcon, he was off with the really hot chick, practicing impregnating her or something.
Eventually, I was simply covered in cum. Luigi shot off up under my chin. Mario slipped out of my ass and came all over my back. Kirby yanked his cock out of my mouth at the last minute and blew his load on my face and into my eyes, the jerk. Jizz was dripping from all over my body.
The guys were kind enough to help their precious Peach up, let me shower, order the pizza, pick it up, and let me have the first slice. To the victor (or in this case, the loser) go the spoils.