Big Milky Tiddies

Great Big Tits

Come and milk Breeder Big Milky Tiddies from Mommy, baby. Crawl right into my lap and nurse off of me until your little belly feels like it’s going to explode. Mommy Wynona will treat you right, making sure that tummy stays full and you stay warm and taken care of. Sometimes, we need some sensual Mommy time where I just take soft and gentle care of you. I don’t always need to play with your little pee pee. But I love to! Now come on, suckle Mommy’s milkers, and get that breast milk all full inside your tum tum. We’re going to put you down for a nap, and then Mommy is going to masturbate to the visual of her sleeping little boy. And when I cum, my nipples will spray a fountain of breast milk!

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