Phone Sex Fetish – I have a few

What is your fetish? Mine. It is food. This big beautiful woman loves to eat and be fed. Eating food of your stomach. Let me place a donut on your cock. Licking the sugar off. Nibbling around the donut as I suck on the head of your cock. Taking your cock into my mouth as I work my way down to the donut. Eating it slowly. Pulling that nice warm donut off of your cock, swallowing the sugary sweetness as I begin to clean your cock off. Licking your balls and pulling them into my mouth to suck off any remaining sugar. You cock is so very hard. I want to feel you pressed between my big tits. My tits surround your cock as you fuck my tits hard. Lowering my head I lick the tip of your cock or kiss it when it appears above my tits. Feeling your balls hitting my plump stomach. Wanting some of your sweet cum to wash down the donut that tasted lightly of you. I need more of you. My pussy is wet and throbbing as you fuck my tits, hard. Your pre-cum hits my tits, sliding over your cock. Cumming on my tits, I watch it coat my tits, before lifting them to my lips while watching you and lick you cum off of my tits. Yummy. Love my dessert.

Phone Sex Fetish

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