Phone sex fetish ends with New Submissive Pet play

Phone sex fetish

Some “men” claim to really want a Phone sex fetish session but they don’t mean it. Some “men” claim to want to explore their edges but they don’t even know they are in a box. They cling to the edges of normalcy but yet secretly desire to be pushed into the unknown. Submitting to a real woman who can push them over the cliff is the only way they will expand beyond incell bitch. Sometimes I open services for men who are worthy of my divine femininity. Which is how I found myself dealing with a difficult sissy. He was complaining about not find the right blah blah blah for what he wanted. I didn’t even have to listen to his sissy whining to tell what a tool this bitch was. Maybe he was used to dealing with skinny dumb bitches but he’d found the right one who wouldn’t deal with his bitchy complaining. When he arrived for the session I spent zero time tying his rich ass up and gathering my submissive/dominate tool kit. His ass was so sweet and cute, but that’s not the role I was setting up for. He needed to give into his dark side. The side that tells him women are in charge of him and his pleasures and he will only find pleasure through submitting to my pleasure

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