Fat girl porn

fat girl porn

 Bending over and taking hard cocks has always been my most favorite thing to do. I love getting fucked and filled with a thick load of sweet cum. I started making fat girl porn at a very young age. I realized that guys will do anything to get their hands on a thick, juicy bitch like me. When I go out, I see guys drooling over me all the time, even when they are with their wives or girlfriends. Those are the guys I love to tease the most. I will make sure to swing my hips and shake my sexy ass to make them uncomfortable. From time to time, I will meet a guy that wants to sneak off and fuck me. Yesterday, I went out for lunch and ended up fucking a guy in the bathroom of the resturant while his wife waited at their table. He followed me in there after I had been teasing him for the entire meal. I had my skirt lifted and was playing with my pussy so only he could see. I knew once I got up and walked away, he would be right behind me. I could tell he wanted to play with this big sexy slut. I let him bend me over the sink and fuck me hard until he was shooting his cum deep inside of me. I pulled my panties up and left his cream in me to slowly drip out as I walked back to my table. She had no idea that when I walked by, I had a juicy, cummy cunt filled with her man’s cream

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