Fat girl phone sex slut Barbie

fat girl phone sex

I’m Barbie, the nasty, fat girl phone sex freak that’s here to drain your cum filled balls! Don’t waste my time trying to run game on me because all I want is your jizz! Skip the small talk and order me to get down on my knees and put my mouth around your dick. I woke up craving cum and it’s all I can think about! I’ve been sucking cock for days trying to satisfy my cravings for sweet, sticky nut cream but no matter how many loads I swallow, these cravings won’t stop! I’ve already let every man at the club and every guy in my apartment building fuck my slut face. Even when I got home from the club early this morning, I was sucking dick and eating up cum shots. I was drunk as fuck and has lost the key to my apartment. I had to call the manager to come over and unlock my door. When he got there he started making comments about my outfit and how sexy I looked in that tiny, short club dress. I backed him up against my front door with my big tits pressed into his face and started rubbing his dick through his pants. By the time my hand wrapped around it, he was already stiff. I pulled his hard dick out and started sucking him right there on my front porch! I stuffed my tongue in his pee hole and licked all over it, jerking it in my mouth at the same time. I was only focused on catching his load in my mouth and savoring the flavor. He started thrusting deeper and deeper down my throat but that’s nothing for a cock sucking pro like me! I throated him while looking up at him and even fingered my juicy fuck hole while he was pumping a big, hot load in my mouth! I can still taste a little of his cum on my lips and it’s making me want more! Why don’t you bring me a second serving of my favorite treat?!

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