Chubby phone sex slut Barbie

chubby phone sex

My Daddy is the reason I’m such a nasty, chubby phone sex slut. I was always a pudgey, little bitch but Daddy over-fed me and made sure that I became a big, curvy piece of fuck meat for him. He got me hooked on sweets at a young age and then used it to his advantage. He would bribe me with candy to jerk him off. I remember having my tiny, fat fingers wrapped around his dick and working as fast as I could because I wanted the lollipop that he promised me if I made him cum. I was too young to even understand the first time I sucked him off and ate him cum. He poured chocolate sauce all over his cock and told me to lick it all off. I didn’t know that I was sucking my Daddy’s dick. My fat, little greedy ass just wanted to lick up every drop of chocolate and not let a single drip go to waste. Daddy said that the best way to get all of the sauce off was to put my mouth all the way around him and try to suck it off that way. I tried and it was working but then Daddy put his hand on the back of my head and started shoving me down on it. He held me down even though I was choking and gagging and I could feel the hot cum spurting into the back of my throat. I tried to swallow up as much as I could but I could still feel the mix of cum, slobber and chocolate sauce running all down my chin and all over Daddy’s balls. Daddy pulled me up by my hair and told me that I was a good girl and such a perfect cum swallower. Hearing him call me a good girl made my little pussy tingle and got my panties all wet. Daddy’s not here tonight but I still want cum. I hope you’re ready to fuck my fat face and fill my mouth with your cream! You can have my plump, juicy cunt but I want my creamy, cummy treat first!

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