Clients always ask me what did I do to get these over- sized tits. One even asked me if I was spoon fed corn bread to make them so soft and full of milk. It’s nothing like that it’s just that my mommy had big tits and so Passion got milk jugs too. There is nothing wrong with you touching them either as long as you realize the next step is to put these bad boys in your mouth and keep licking on them until the milk comes out. I love to have them sucked and the more cream that comes out of that cock in between them the better off I feel. I was wondering if you were available to take care of the pressure in these milk duds and it is just about a work of art to see how hungry you get when you are milking every last drop from them. Take it from me Passion is going to love having you suck them and I know you love the way they flop up and down when I am fucking the shit out of your ass too!
No cornbread for me baby just pure and natural chocolate that comes straight form the Bayou that’s what keeps them good. Milk and chocolate that just creams in your mouth and gets you to going every time you see Passion. I want to know one thing though before I get the bib cloth to burp you. Do you think you can do Passion a favor and drink and don’t dribble any of that cream down your chin. Milk makes a body good but it makes your cock rise faster than a bull in heat. You ain’t no damn bull but Passion is sure going to ride you the best she knows how!