Big girls having sex with big hard cock fill that cream pie. Among the things I like a big hard cock is at the top. Now, I know you like big girls and when we fuck you have the added padding. A cushion. Marshmallows to eat and play with. You can make these tits sticky like a marshmallow, especially when you are using my own juices.
Now, your cock will fuck mot only this fat pussy, get between these big ass cheeks, mouth, but should also be including all my fat rolls. Just imagine the possibilities. In any event, when you are fucking this sexy BBW’s fat rolls they will surround you. Press in on you. Hold you tight. You will be tucked into so tight that you will be thinking you are fucking a tight as fuck mini virgin.
In retrospect when you are having sex with me you are sure have plenty of padding. As shown above these big ass marshmallows will not only taste good but make a good cushion for you as well. Suck on them, press them together. Now don’t be thinking you will hurt me as you pound hard as fuck into me. That is what the cushion is for. Enfolding you in a comforting warmth and you have plenty more to fuck.
Let’s see how hard you can fuck and how many rolls you are able to cum into. Finally choosing to cum on these big tits or tight pussy. Your choice.