Big girls having sex always come out on top!

Big girls having sexBeing one of the big girls having sex is always a blast. Bouncing up and down on a hard cock that’s plundering my pussy and getting ready to blow a thick load so deep I’ll be leaking for days, I couldn’t help but get giggly. There’s something truly amazing about taking charge and riding a man who’s more horny than sensical. I’m a bit heavy, so he can feel my every plop down through his entire body. My jiggling frame gives more meat for pushing than any skinny bony girl could ever dream of, but it also adds weight and impact to every plunge. To get back to my womb’s entrance his balls have to smack against my falling ass and his hips have to take the brunt of the exchange while his palms steal my big tits. My wet pussy leaks just right to make each ball smack a resounding thwack. He can’t handle me, not enough to take charge. I’m too much woman for any one man, and that’s why I’m on top, dropping down and driving thick cock as deep into my needy, greedy pussy as I can manage. I beg for it, need it, pump for it. My hips are a rotor of their own, shifting and twisting and rocking all on their own to make his eyes roll back. I’m a gyrating goddess using my weight in every movement while I grind out the bubbly hot cum he’s holding from me. It’s all for that moment when I drain him dry and sit on top of him gloriously in victory and blissful embrace. Just thinking about has me shivering in delight, an orgasm working its way right through me as he gets close enough to start rapidly twitching and throbbing. His release so close it brings ecstasy just to get ready to take it all into my wet pussy. Sometimes, the best things in life are also the simplest. Like riding a man until he explodes in my chubby phone sex cunt.

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