BBW Cum Whore Oaklee Craves Her Daily Shot of Jizz Juice

Cum WhoreAs a BBW Cum Whore, I’m always eager for my next fix of cum. My tits are heavy and full, jiggling with anticipation as I wait for the hot sticky liquid to splatter against them. When it finally happens, it’s like an explosion of pleasure that sends shockwaves through my entire being. The warmth seeps into my skin, making me even more aroused as I lick and suck on the mess greedily. It tastes salty and sweet – just how I like it.

I let out a moan of satisfaction, arching my back to offer up more of myself to whoever is willing to take advantage of this horny slut. My fat rolls wobble enticingly as I reach down between my legs, fingers finding their way into the wetness between my thighs. With each thrust of hips or grind against whoever is fucking me at that moment, more cum oozes from my pussy lips and drips onto the floor beneath us.

My breath comes in ragged gasps as we continue our dirty dance; our bodies moving together in perfect rh ythm. The smell of sweat and sex fills the air, making me even more turned on by the filthiness of it all. I can feel my pussy throbbing in time with my heartbeat as we get closer to reaching our climaxes.

When he finally erupts inside me, his cum spurting out in powerful bursts that coat both our stomachs and chests, I let out a primal scream of delight. My mouth is open wide, ready to catch any errant drops that might escape his cock as he unloads into me. And when he’s done, I don’t hesitate – I lean forward and start licking up every last drop from both our bodies like a good little cum slut should.

My tits are now covered in sticky mess; strings of saliva connecting them together as well as strands of cum from previous encounters. It only serves to make me hotter for him (or whoever comes next). As we collapse onto the floor together panting heavily, all thoughts are driven from my mind except onehow can I get another fix?

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