At a very young age, I knew that I would always be the chubby girl, the fat friend. I became the cutsey, funny friend but I was still the fat one in the office. Luckily I learned at a very young age to do certain things that the skinny bitches would probably gag at.
I can suck your dick like there’s creamy frosting in it, just waiting to coat my tongue. I can relax my throat completely like a snake and just let your massive cock have its way, scraping my tonsils with every thrust in. Letting my tongue rub hard on the veins underneath your meat stick, gently teasing with my teeth as you fuck my face as hard as you can.
Most girls would shudder and cringe at the sight of pubic hair, but me? I’ll eat anything, and I LOVE the musky scent of a man! I’ll rock your world as I suckle your bad boys and work my way to your tasty asshole, MMMMMmmmmm, gets my piggy pussy dripping wet tasting your pooper!
Never had a skinny girl stick her tongue all the way up your ass, have you?