The sensual connection I feel when I’ve got a guys cock in his favorite cock holster is unreal. He’s trusting his favorite organ/appendage (depending on size ) in my mouth. Which has teeth. Sharp pointy ones at that.
Which makes Cocksucking Phone Sex a bit more on the safer side… lol
Just think though, when did we figure out as a species that putting a dick in someone’s mouth was pleasurable? Or that ejaculating in said hole is just as good?
Or that smearing cum all over someone’s face as you call them your “ooey gooey cum drop Princess”. Seeing that shit make my chesticles look like a glazed doughnut hole. And make me clean up the mess..
I know I just love teasing and licking them like a lolly. See how many it takes for me to get to the center of the Tootsie pop. And see how much I can get out of it in the end.
It’s even better if I had two to play with though…