How many of you have ever been looking at your friend’s friends on Facebook, or a friend’s followers on Twitter and thought…I would LOVE to fuck that! I think that happens to all of us. Or someone from our past finds us and we start talking again and the next thing you know you are in the back of his chevy truck in a corn field Mooing for him as he plays the harmonica while fingering your ass. Wait? Nobody? Just me? Well alright then.
Anyway, I think we all have at least had a Social Media crush. You bring up their pictures and wack off to them, or as in my case, finger fuck myself just thinking about all the body fluids we could swap. Even if you are married I think it’s very normal to want to have sex with someone else. I do not think we were meant to be with just one person, it just doesn’t make any sense. So to see people you may or may not know on a social network site and have dirty, nasty fantasies about them is very normal.
Did you know that you can find us on Facebook and Twitter too? We are on there, the whole crew. Just think of all the cum your balls can churn up just scrolling through our hot pictures. You might need a gallon drum next to your computer so that you have enough volume capacity to unload all the jizz we will cause your balls to make. If you don’t believe me, then go and have a look, and get that lotion ready!