This sexy BBW was speeding down the road trying to make up for lost time. When I noticed flashing lights behind me. Fuck me! The last thing I can deal with right now is another ticket. I looked in my rear view mirror and that was when I say you. You were a middle aged very fit patrol cop. This might work our after all, I said to my self. I quickly adjusted my top to where my enormous tits where hanging out.
You walked up to my window and seemed very distracted by my big luscious tits that were on display. You told me that I was speeding and ask me for my drivers license. When I leaned over to retrieve it from my wallet my enormous tits fell our of my halter top. As I started to hand you my license, I told you that maybe there is another way we could work this out. I couldn’t help but to notice how hard your cock had gotten. I told you to think of it as my civil duty. I got out of my car and we walked around to the side of your cruiser. I unzipped your pants and grabbed your big hard cock.
I wrapped my enormous tits around your cock and started titty fucking you. I began sucking on just the head of your cock while my giant tits stroked the shaft of your hard throbbing cock. Then I slowly slid my soft lips all the way down the shaft of your throbbing cock. My mouth was balls deep on your hard cock. I could feel every inch of your pulsating cock inside my mouth and then you blew your hot creamy cum. You covered my mouth with your hot salty jizz and I happily swallowed every drop of it down.You thanked me for my civic duty and told me to slow down before sending me on my way.