I think when my Mother named me Barbie she hoped that I would turn out to look like one. My Mother and two Sister’s certainly do. They have what is considered the “perfect” body, slim, fit, big tits, nice ass, beautiful faces. They have the whole package according to what the world thinks. I don’t think they do though. I see how they constantly worry about what they eat, if they haven’t worked out, if they are getting wrinkles, what their hair looks like. I wish they would just be themselves instead of an illusion that they create.
I like being the way I am. I am not sloppy, dirty, smelly, or ugly. I think I am pretty fucking amazing and beautiful. My family is always on me to lose weight. Why? So I can be fake like them? Hell no. I dress nicely, I groom myself, and I’m a pretty fucking great person. They are amazed at all the guys that I date. They cannot understand it. My Dad usually steps in and tells them to leave me the fuck alone because I am perfect. Go Dad!
I think deep down men love being with a woman who has a little extra padding. They certainly seem to love my big ass. I take full advantage of that fact too. I will make sure my ass is always framed nicely in what ever I am wearing. My Mom and Sister’s think that men look at me because they are making fun of me in their head, but what they are actually doing is trying to figure out a way for them to dive into my puffy pussy, and scrumptious ass!