Today started out like any other, but I was in for a nice surprise when I went for a massage. My masseur was hot, and totally into me. After rubbing my body down with oil, I noticed him spending extra time on my thighs letting his hands wander a little further than usual. I moaned and arched my back, attempting to let him know I wanted him to go further. He got the hint, and began to touch my wet pussy ever so softly then really fingering me hard. I got into it and so did he, soon he was licking my pussy and ass. I reached around and grabbed his crotch, and he had a rock hard dick!
I unzipped his pants, and he whispered in my ear that he wanted some of my wonderful ass. I was so ready to give it to him, and after being oiled down and finger fucked, I sat my sweet ass on his cock and rode him to anal ecstasy.