I am in the mood for some heavy pussy pounding. But before we get to that, how about you get down on your knees so that you can spend some time between my thick thighs. Show me your oral skills. Press that tongue deep inside me, flutter it over my engorged clit, suck on my fat pussy lips. You know I love every minute of it. Looking down to see your face glistening wet from all that pussy juice build up.
Where do you think you are going? Oh no, you aren’t going to fuck me yet. You have one more task that I need you to do. I’m going to turn around and I want you to use that tongue on my ass like you did on my pussy. Shove it up my tight asshole. Get into every little nook. Kiss my ample ass cheeks before going right back to that waiting asshole.
If you do a fantastic job, satisfy me, then and only then will that stiff cock of yours get to plunge into my juicy fat walls. What are you waiting for?