Do you want to get your hands, mouth, or dick on these big tits of mine? I guess you really don’t have to decide. You can certainly have all three of them if you’re nice to me. I don’t let just anyone play with these jugs. Well, actually, yes, I do. I can’t help it that I’m a fat, horny cunt and I need to be touched and played with every single day. I know that you understand. Men tell me all the time that if they don’t cum every day, they just are a bear to be around. I’m the same exact way.
Are you going to fuck me on my back so you can watch these big ass melons flop around while you drill me? Or do you want to fuck me on my hands and knees in front of a mirror so you can watch my titties sway back and forth? I can even get on top and ride you so you can watch them bounce up and down. My only request is that you pull your cock out and bust your nut all of them. What are you waiting for, lover? These massive tits need to be painted with jizz.