Sex, I can feel you pulsating inside of me from across the room my pussy feels nude and she is crying for you
Sex, I want you so bad that my panties stay wet my mouth waters, my lips quiver when you get erect.
Sex, you make me hungry like the hunger of thunder thirsting for water a midnight twister I’m in bed with you and fantasies follow.
Sex, you are my alpha you take unfair control of me and I crave it so unfairly not always nice you be going deep not making love but fucking me.
Sex I can’t get enough I want to breathe you in and drink every drop of you up I want to swallow your love and continue to suck.
Sex, I’m aching for you now and everybody else are shadows in the clouds looking in on what you do to me that causes me insanity.
Sex, I will beg if have to I will plead if I must however you want it is how you get it there are no rules for us.
Sex, you can force it pull my hair and choke my neck I want to be subservient I’ll do anything to be your sex project.